
Our vision is to see the 16 acre farm develop into an Organic Agricultural Training Center where students will come to get trained in organic agriculture. Here they will learn work skills and trades, and they will be taught how to manage finances in order to become sustainable. The leaders of this project will also provide spiritual training and mentoring.

 Carl Thompson, Armando, Cristina Javier Carl Thompson, Armando, Cristina + Javier
Small barn with pigs, sheep and chickens Small barn with pigs, sheep and chickens
Sheep in a fenced pen in the barn Sheep in a fenced pen in the barn
Carl Thompson helps to build the nursery Carl Thompson helps to build the nursery

In February 2017 Javier and Armando both took a course in Agroecology and Biointensive Agriculture in Veracruz through Ecology Action.  Dale Bolton Founder of Organics 4 Orphans referred us to this place. Here they saw that 30 families were sustained on this farm.  They came home inspired with a vision to do the same on their land.

Carl Thompson is an experienced Organic Agricultural Trainer who visited the farm this past April 2017.  He was impressed with the leaders, who were highly motivated and carried the vision of developing this farm.  He saw the potential in them and in the land.  Carl’s report assured us that we were on the right track and that we would continue to invest in this work.

Carl came with Moringa seeds and was impressed to see these photos only a couple months later!  

Miracle Tree Recipe