RAISE THE ROOF is selling tickets for a Fundraising Dinner in Manitoba.

Come join us for an entertaining evening with ISLAND BREEZE and experience a taste of the Pacific Islands! You will love their song and dance.  This is a WORTHY CAUSE  all for the sake of CHILDREN AT RISK, IN LIBERIA, WEST AFRICA.

PROVISION OF HOPE has recently purchased land in Caldwell, Liberia.  This will be our Fourth  HOME FOR ORPHANS and NEEDY CHILDREN.   Eric and Kamah with their 13 children will be living in this home.                     See the photos below.


    DATE:  FRI. APRIL 25, 2014        

    PLACE:  MITCHELL SENIOR CENTER    130 Ash St Mitchell 

    TIME:   6:00 pm  Refreshments    6:30 pm  Dinner


TICKET COST  $15.00    MC   CORNY  REMPEL !!! 

CONTACTS:  ELAINE PETERS      204-371- 0731

  KAREN BARKMAN    250-454-9456                       


Eric and Kamah FamilyCrowded in a small two room place

Eric and Kamah are crowded into a small 2 bedroom home that we are renting for them.

Alvin + CalvinBernice and Salome

Alvin + Calvin are twin boys who were found roaming the streets of Monrovia.  Salome was abandoned.  Bernice’s mother died.  Each one of the children has a story.  It’s great to see the love each child receives in this home.  The look of joy in their eyes, says it all.   Eric and Kamah are exceptional parents and have a heart to help the children in their community.  Every Saturday they bring the children together for Bible Stories and worship.  In February when we were visiting, there were over 80 children present.  

POH two lotsEric and Son 2

Provision of Hope bought two lots so we can use one lot for organic gardening.  The land is already cleared and ready for building.    We are building a 4 Bedroom Home.  1348 sq. ft. plus 193 sq. ft. of porches. 

Our goal is to raise $ 35,000 for this project. 

If you cannot come to the dinner but would like to donate we would appreciate it.  

Karen Barkman  250-454-9456  karen@provisionofhope.com

Elaine Peters    204-371-0731  elainepeters10@gmail.com 

We will take pledges, credit card donations, cheques or cash.  All donations will be tax receipted.  Any amount will be most appreciated.  



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