Happy New Year from Liberia!!!

Our children in Liberia and our parents want to wish all our donors a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

They are most grateful for the joyous Christmas they all had and for the bundles of clothes and gifts that you made possible for them!  ” God Bless you and prosper you in the New Year!  We are so grateful!”

Eric and Kamah’s Children all got a wrapped gift! They say “THANK YOU!” They all got a set of brand new clothes!!!
Promise gets her gift from Ma Kamah! Every child got their own set of new clothes. They were so excited they could hardly sleep the night before!








Promise shows her new clothes! Daniel Coleman was part of these Christmas celebrations. He was there with a good camera. Thanks Daniel!
Eric and Kamah with Salome and her special gift! Thank you to everyone who made this day possible!!








Ma Esther’s children had a great Christmas. They had special food, balloons and wrapped gifts! They all want to say thank you to the people who gave to make this happen!
Favor gets her gift! Each child at Ma Esther’s gets a wrapped gift too!








Daniel Coleman helps to give out the gifts! He made special balloons for all the kids!!
David is happy to get his gift!!







Linda, Dapae and Rita’s daughter stands by the special cakes that Rita makes each year Christmas!!
Rita took a trip to Monrovia and came back with bundles of good used clothing for all the children! Thank you to our donors who make this possible.










These are the desperate widows in the Buduburam Refugee Camp that we posted just before Christmas! Thank you for helping us to answer their cry for help!!  They are still thanking God for you!!!








We were able to give rice, oil and soup to all these widows!! I wish you could see a close up of all their smiles! Thank God for caring people who donate for these who are so desperate! The elderly here have no help.








Special Food at the Dyega House. They all got new clothes too!!






Breaking news at the Dyega Home this December was the graduation of Mr. Otis’s oldest son Janjay. He now has a degree in Nursing! Well Done Janjay!!  We are so proud of you!


Rudolf Sumo was praying to go home. We were able to help him with transport back to Liberia.
Rudolf is happy to be home. He is starting life from nothing. Praise God we were able to help him this far. He is hoping to start a small business to supply his own food, and later go to a trade school.










A Big Thank you to all our donors who have given so generously to help so many people in Liberia, who have needed your help. God bless you abundantly for your kindness!


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