“WHAT AN INCREDIBLE TRIP … best ever!” Wait a minute, I said that last year. It’s so rewarding to see the progress from one year to the next. There is always so much growth and development. Thank you to all who sponsor our orphan children and thank you to our LEADERS IN LIBERIA who are faithfully doing the work. It takes TEAM effort! “T”ogether “E”ach “A”ccomplishes “M”ore!!
Samuel Mwangi with Edward & Jackson Kris Riley and Elaine Caudle with our boys
Everyone is asking if you will be back? Of course you will be back! In God’s timing. Each one of you made an eternal difference in the hearts of our people!! With your love and your kindness you touched so many lives. Samuel I knew you would impact Liberia and leave a deposit of God’s heart that could radically transform a nation!! We look forward to sending some of our boys out to Destiny Bible School in Kenya next year and we look forward to bringing you back!
KRIS is reading her book “The Story of Henrietta Caterpillar” to the girls at “The Bridge of Hope Girl’s School” Every where Kris went she had an audience for her story. It’s an incredible children’s story inspiring children ” to develop the love, gifts and talents that God has given each of them.” Kris brought a suitcase of her books to hand out to the children in Liberia and the Refugee Camp in Ghana. To order a copy visit her website http://www.byheavensdesign.ca/
ELAINE has offered to work with Pastor Paul in expanding our work with the widows. This month we started to add salt, oil, and soap to their portions! You cannot come and watch our widows worship & pray and not be moved. Ask Elaine and Kris how it was for them. I am smiling as I type here, knowing how undone they both were that first Saturday. Yes, they both cried! These are the ones who have suffered so much through the wars. They are women strong in faith and courage. “Pastor Paul, thank you for starting this tremendous work, in honor of your late mother.”
We spent a week in Ghana at the BUDUBURAM REFUGEE CAMP visiting our friends there.
We now have 72 Single mothers that are part of our Single Mothers Empowerment Program on the camp. As funds come in we empower more with small micro loans. They said the small business loans were really helping them! We start them off with 200 – 300 dollars.
Princess Bolee is running a successful dry goods store. Leona, Dorcas & Lovetta run a small restaurant.
We just empowered two more single mothers this month. We still have a long list of those who are waiting. Every day they are asking when their turn will come. Our answer is always the same… “we hope very soon” If anyone would like to help single mothers feed and clothe their children, this is a great way to help. Some have even managed to put their children to school. That’s remarkable on a refugee camp where rice is priced ridiculously high and they all pay for their water to bathe.
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