Micro Loans Help Businesses to Succeed

Otis Dyega in his pharmacy near Buchanan.

Sumo Gibson is one of our Pharmacy graduates.

Otis took his first micro loan in Sept 2008. ($650.00) He paid it in full within 6 months,  completing the payments “early”.  His second loan was granted June 4, 2009 ($1,000.00)and again he completed payment early, within 6 months.  His 3rd loan was on December 8/09 ($2,000.00) paid in full in 9 months.  December 15/10 he got his 4th loan  ($2,000.00) and paid it again within 6 months.  November 7/11 he got his 5th loan ($3,000) and is respectively paying it back on schedule.  Sumo Gibson is one of our students who completed a 4 yr. degree in Pharmacy at Cuttington University and is now working as an apprentice with Otis Dyega.  One day Sumo will run his own pharmacy and medical clinic in a remote village where there is a great need for medical services.  See more on Sumo Gibson here  Sumo Gibson’s Graduation 

Through MICRO LOANS, Otis has enlarged his clinic and little by little he is improving his premises.  As a nurse, Otis continues to help the sick and needy in their community.  He carries the same vision as Provision of Hope.    See a previous blog post  Micro Loans Help In Rebuilding Liberia   Today,  because of the micro loans,  Otis has been able to upgrade his pharmacy to this level.


Photo of the 10 youngest children          Otis and wife Marthaline with 8 of the children

Otis and Marthaline care for 6 disadvantaged children and 6 of their own.  Provision of Hope gave  scholarships to their sons, Janjay and Peter.  Janjay is studying nursing at the United Methodist University and Peter is studying Agriculture at the University of Liberia.

MaBe  is 6 yrs old in K-2          Ma Hawa is 5 yrs old in K-3     Odell is 8 yrs old and in K-3

Provision of Hope has provided the funding for all of the Dyega children to attend a good school.

Thank you to all our sponsors and those who donate towards the education for children in need.


Our next projects are to cover this sewer and buy bunk beds, mattresses and blankets for the children.

The Sewer Cost:  $250.00

Bunk Beds $ 125.00

Mattresses $50.00 per single

Blankets $20.00 per single bed.

Mosquito Nets $5.00 each.

Provision of Hope seeks out homes like this one, to come alongside and assist.  The Liberian people carry the vision, and do the work.  We come to partner with those who are doing something to enhance the development of poorer communities like this one, near Buchanan.


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