OUR WALK ON SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 23RD was a great success!!

Thank you for everyone who participated!  We raised $6,100.   This will put 25 children to school in Liberia, West Africa.

                           We had a total of 48 walkers counting everyone!!  

We all had such a FUN TIME!!!     Hats off to Lenny and Doug pushing Dave Stoliker in a wheel chair!!!

 Promise Jones                      Benjamin Williams                         Tell Cummings

These are some of the children who are privileged to go to school this year.    Promise recently lost her mother.  She has no parents.  Her uncle and aunt, Eric and Kamah Gbour, are now her new parents.  They just came from the refugee camp last year.  Life has been very hard for them.  Though Promise is already 8 yrs. old, this is her first year to school.  

Benjamin is Phebe William’s son.  Provision of Hope moved his mother and siblings out of the West Pointe slums to a peaceful community.   This will be Benjamin’s first year to school.  He is so excited.

Tell Cummings also lives with Eric and Kamah,  who provide a wonderful home for him.  He has a mother who is struggling to make it. THANK YOU FOR HELPING CHILDREN LIKE THESE  GO TO SCHOOL.   Without a doubt, EDUCATION opens the door to a MORE PROMISING FUTURE.

If you are planning for a year plant rice

If you are planning for a decade plant trees

If you are planning for a lifetime EDUCATE PEOPLE.



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