The Seeds of Knowledge International Teacher’s Conferences continue going strong!
Manitoba Teachers with resources for Liberia. Teachers who took the Advanced Training.
Yvonne Schroeder, principal of New Bothwell, Elaine Peters and Karen Swiderski, Grade 3 teachers at Mitchell Elementary, Kristen Reimer Gr. 3 teacher at Woodlawn Elementary in Steinbach, and Lorie Friesen Resource Teacher at Mitchell Elementary have shown their dedication to education by funding their own expenses on their recent mission to Liberia.
Karen Swiderski, who teaches our own Canadian Teachers, specializes in Phonics and Reading. She taught reading strategies based on the National Reading Panel from the United States. The research stated that the most effective teaching of reading included the components of phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and reading strategies. The teachers learned to preview a book, set a purpose for reading and make predictions before reading. They learned how to teach their students how to skip a word and come back to figure out a new word.
In mathematics, teachers were taught skills to promote understanding of addition, subtraction and place value. The Power of Ten was a great visual tool for teaching numbers to their students. In order to promote student engagement and deep understanding of numbers, movement activity and games were taught. The teachers were all inspired to introduce these new learning activities to their students and could not wait to implement what they had learned.
Certificates were given to 152 teachers who came from 27 different schools in Liberia. The feedback from the teachers has been most encouraging. The conferences continue to go forward with the teachers who took the Advanced Training and who have access to the DVD material that was left with them. A rich supply of resource material was left with these select teachers. We appreciate The Bridge of Hope Girl’s School, namely Pastor Jackson Weah and his wife Victoria, who graciously offered their building. It was wonderful to have the teachers of All God’s Children join us at the Monrovia conference. Hope Academy, principal Rachel Gbatu did a most excellent job of organizing the conference in Ganta.
Team Photo with the Deputy Minister of Education. Teachers are proud to hold up their certificates.
We later met with Minister of Education, Madam Etmonia Tarpeh, who was astounded at all these teachers accomplished during their time in Liberia, and all the resources they brought to this country. ” Next time, please inform me ahead of time, so I can attend one of the sessions”
Madam Tarpeh is determined to upgrade the standard of Education in Liberia, and has given us an open invitation to come back and host The Seeds of Knowledge International Conference again.
They taught the teachers the importance of building meaningful relationships with their students and providing a safe learning environment, where all students are able to take risks as learners and be affirmed. “When a teacher has a child’s heart then they have their respect and their full attention.” says Karen Swiderski
The teacher’s of Liberia, are so grateful to this TEAM OF TEACHERS who volunteered their time during their summer vacation to come to Liberia. “What a benefit to us!” “We will forever be grateful” “I can hardly wait for school to start” were some of their remarks.