Provision of Hope, along with 15 of our Hope Children, are so excited that this home is finished.  “Praise God today we are moving in!”  

Otis Dyega Hope Home 10Otis Group 16

This is the day they have been waiting for!  Finally this 5 Bedroom Home is finished and all 15 children get to move into their new rooms.  

House Dedication 50Otis Dyega Dedication of Home

Everyone joins in a PRAYER OF DEDICATION.Amos hands the key to Pastor Malcolm.

Otis 20Ribbon Cutting with Otis Dyega 20

Ma Denyounea and Otis’ Sister Nyondynie take care of the children.   Pastor Paul cuts the ribbon.

Plywood Ceiling 2Bathroom

The ceilings are beautiful.  Great paint job.  Bathrooms look lovely.  Nice colors.

Otis Kitchen Cabinets and Sink 2Otis Living Area 2

 Mr. Otis and our Contractor examine the kitchen.      Beautiful Living Room.  

Mr Otis and all the children say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who donated towards this house. ” You made our DREAM COME TRUE!”  Today all the children are registered in school. These children, though they  lost parents,  are blessed to live in a home where they are loved and cared for.  “We are so thankful to God and our friends in Canada for giving us this home” says Ma Hawa, one of the younger children.  Every night they pray for us!

Now that their home is complete, they will need furniture.  We would appreciate any help we could get for this.  

Beds for the Girls Rooms  $60 x 4 = $ 240.00

Beds for the Boys Rooms $60 x 4 = $ 240.00

Mattresses for the Girls Rooms  $40 x 4 = $ 160.00

Mattresses for the Boys Rooms $40 x 4 = $ 160.00

Dining Room Table and Chairs  $ 400.00

Living Room Set  $ 500.00

Blankets for the Girls Room  $ 150.00

Blankets for the Boys Room  $150.00

Master Bedroom Furniture  $250.00

Generator  $ 500.00

Thank you so much to those who donated at Raise the Roof in Manitoba last March.We raised $27,000 through this amazing fundraiser!  The total cost of the building was $33,132. The cost of the land was $1,600.  We are so pleased with our contractor and his workmanship.  This beautiful 1,417 sq.ft. home was built  in 5 months.








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