More and more Ebola Orphans

EVERY DAY  we are hearing of more and more Ebola Orphans.  Tonight, I stopped to ask myself, “God what can I do about it?”  Please pray for us as we try to help as many as we possibly can implementing the WISEST PLAN!

Eric Gbour, one of our Hope Home fathers,  told me of his friend Victor Kpakima, who just lost his wife to Ebola.  Thersua was a Liberian Dr. who contracted Ebola through the patients she was treating.  She leaves behind an 11 yr. old son Michael and 5 yr. old daughter Betty.

Victor Kpakima with his 2 childrenFire destroys his home

While the father was mourning the loss of his wife, his house caught fire and burned.  Today he is left with nothing.

This week Our Director Malcolm told me another sad story, of a mother who died from Ebola leaving behind 4 very young children.  They are all living with their Grandma, who does not want any names mentioned, nor their photos taken.  She is afraid of being stigmatized.  If the community knows you have been exposed to Ebola, they will avoid you.  Everyone fears contracting this deadly virus.  These 4 children have an aunt in Gbarnga if they can only get transportation to get there.  The grandma needs help to feed these children.  She herself has no income.

Another report just came in through Henry Dorbor, one of our University Graduates who said   “I was able to have paid a visit at one the Ebola CTU centers that is own by MsF Belgium (Doctors without Borders) to talk to some of the victims such as children who have lost their parents. One of the most unforgettable experience I had was, when I visited a  woman  who survive from the virus at  MT Barclay community  who  lost 8 members  of her relative and is the only survivor  with 25 children of her late brothers, sisters, in laws, uncle, mother and other relatives children. Right now she has no income, and was given a notice  to vacate the house due to stigmatization from the virus .  As God could have it, i was able to intervene through  the community  chairman, and also telling them that she can’t no longer infect anyone with the virus, but rather she can be a help to the community, right now i am happy that i was able to be a help to them.”

Daniel Keamue, our accountant recently returned from Gbarnga, asking what we can do for the numerous Ebola Orphans there.

Right now, we are asking you to pray.   The situation is overwhelming.  There is not enough help for this kind of epidemic!  The government asked us if we would consider building more homes.  Is that what we are to do, or are we to try to assist the Liberian care givers who can take in these orphans, if only there were funds.  There are so many Grandmas, aunts and uncles who simply do not have the means to help all these Ebola Orphans.

Today is Day 5 on our  12 Days of Christmas  Calendar .. Click here to see  Day 5

Tonight, I thought about decorating our Christmas tree…. but instead my heart was turned to the hundreds and hundreds, that I know are suffering tonight, and I asked myself the question…. What can I do about it? … “I can share a blog post with the rest of the world”.  Maybe someone will read this through, and decide to help.   You can donate on line now on Provision of Hope’s Website!!   DONATE NOW    Comment by saying EBOLA ORPHANS

Let’s not forget those who suffer this Christmas.  Listen to this, if you need to get yourself in “that” mindset.   And So This is Christmas  by John Lennon … that will do it!!  I am listening to it right now.

More on Ebola Orphans  Ebola Orphans in Liberia  and Liberia’s Ebola Orphans

God bless you as you remember the poor and the suffering this Christmas !!!

Karen Barkman


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