Steinbach Walk raises over $ 15,500 for Education

WALK A MILE IN MY SHOES MANITOBA raised over $ 15,500 at our 10th Annual Walk  last Sunday at AD Penner Park in Steinbach.  All proceeds are going towards education for orphan and needy children in Liberia, West Africa.   For many children in this country, going to school is only a dream.  They simply do not have the funds. Many families hardly have enough food to eat, not to mention school fees.

Walk a Mile in My Shoes 2016. 20 jpg
We had over 80 walkers come out! What an amazing COMMUNITY SPIRIT!!

Thank you to all our volunteers who helped to make this event such a great success!

Kiana face painting
Kiana Martens you are an expert at face painting! The kids loved it!!
Registration at the Walk
Abe & Karen Sawatzky and Lorie Friesen took care of registration and counting of donations. Norm Senkiw & Roy Bartel set up all the signs.
Face Painted Sisters 20
Ella, Abby and Avery Myer you look great!!
Kristle Falk
Good Job Kristle Falk!! Thank you for sharing your talents with us!!
Don Dewey with Student
Don Dewey with one of his students, Tsega Derksen, from Stonybrook Middle School. Thank you for raising money in the “Coins for Kids” containers. Mr. Dewey’s class raised $ 70.05 and Mr. Neufeld’s class raised $ 100.65 They chose Alvin and Calvin to help. See Twin Boys Found Roaming the Streets of Monrovia This will go towards their Education Fund.
Don Dewey singing Liberia song
Don Dewey composed a song ” Liberia” and sang it for us at the walk. What an amazing song!!  Let me know when you have it on YouTube.
Elaine Peters and Karen Barkman
Thank you Elaine Peters for ” always” being ready to jump in and help!! I love working alongside you!!
Walk Refreshments
Reg Peters + Norm Senkiw barbecued the hotdogs! Drinks, cookies and watermelon was served after the walk. Dianne Watchorn, Joyce Stoesz and Edith Broesky took care of the canteen. Thanks to ALL our volunteers!!


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