Congratulations Daniel Coleman

Daniel Coleman has just graduated with a Degree in Criminal Justice from the African Methodist Episcopal Zion University.  This is a great achievement after so many hours of study.  Daniel we are all so very proud of you and we look forward to seeing the opportunities that will open up for you!

Daniel Coleman GradDaniel with souvenirDSC02237

This is a day to celebrate!
Daniel stands with his fellow class mates.


Daniel with Daniel K resized
Daniel Keamue, our accountant stands with Daniel Coleman.
Pastor Malcolm and Pastor Aaron have both been spiritual mentors for Daniel Coleman.


Speeches in honor of Daniel
Speeches in honor of Daniel, food and drinks were served  back at the house.
Friends come to celebrate
So many friends came to celebrate with Daniel.


Daniel has been with us through high school and through university.  He manages the widow’s rice distribution twice a month in Matadi.  He oversees the “Operation Mat to Mattress” Program where we take widows off the floor and provide beds and mattresses for them.  Daniel  founded  ” Community Tidiness Care” a project that involves cleaning up garbage in various communities.  He is someone we can count on and someone who is ready to serve where needed. Click on Orphan Child Now Studies Criminal Law  to see more of his story. These are the leaders we like to invest into.  Those who make a difference for others.




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