OPERATION MAT TO MATTRESS is still going strong!

Stop for just one minute. Imagine you are Ma Susan Doe.  You never had a “real”bed in all your life.  All you  have is a thin mat on the floor.  It’s very old and smells like mildew from all the humidity.  You have a torn blanket, that’s it! At night it is common for a rat, a cockroach or a spider to crawl over your body as you sleep.  You have malaria and a fever but there is no money to go for any medication. You are much too poor.  You have arthritis and it is hard for you to walk. This is all too common among our 300 plus widows that are on our rice distribution program today.  One by one we are providing them with beds, buying new mattresses, and renovating their rooms.

I’ve got to say, this is one of my greatest highlights …” seeing the overwhelming JOY on the face of a widow who gets a bed!!”  They are all “so” very grateful!  

Ma Susan Doe on her blanket on the floor BEFORE her new bed.
Ma Susan  praising God for her new bed. Our volunteers gather around her. They all share in her joy!
Daniel Coleman, Director of Mat to Mattress points to Ma Mary’s thin pad on the floor. The mildew is really bad!
Frank Julutoe sits on Ma Mary’s nice new bed.

Nothing thrills me more than seeing a widow get a” real” bed!  No more sleeping on the hard, cold floor.  No more rats running over her at night.  No more cold achy bones.  She is comfortable and warm and she cannot stop thanking God for this wonderful gift!

Ma Sarah’s mat on the floor BEFORE her new bed and room renovation.
Ma Sarah is thrilled to have a new bed, mattress, pillows, sheets, a mosquito net and even a comforter.
Ma Cooper sits on her sleeping mat on the floor.
Here she is sitting on her new bed with Frank.
Our beds are made by one of our dad’s who we helped home from the refugee camp. He was trained for carpentry. We bought him tools then gave him a micro loan. Now he has a business. This is Ma Cooper’s new bed, before her mattress and bedding.
Ma Zazay had papers for padding for her mattress BEFORE she got a new bed.
Ma Zazay has a beautiful smile. She is so happy to have a bed!
Our students at the Discipleship Training Center are the volunteers for these room renovations.
They also assemble the beds and do all the work.
Often the walls need whitewash or paint.
This door needed to be replaced.
Photo “after” of the brand new door and lock.
This place had a very bad roof leak.
Roof repairs being done.

I want to say  a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the individual people who have been funding these room make-overs, buying beds, mattresses, blankets etc for our many widows.  With out your help this could not happen. What a blessing you all are!

Thank you to the Kleefeld School’s SHOC Team (Students helping Other Communities) for raising  2,207.95  for 7 Granny Beds and Room makeovers  for our widows this year.  I am so proud of what this school does for other communities.    Thank you to Principal Yvonne Schroeder and teachers Christine Friesen and Wendy Martens for working with this team.  You have one amazing school!

Thank you to the Mitchell Gospel Church and to Warner and Marion Heinrichs, who chose our Operation Mat to Mattress as their church Christmas Project in 2013.  You provided the funds for 6 Mat to Mattresses!

We have many widows waiting for their beds. One by one we keep working at this, as funding is available.

We can do a complete “Mat to Mattress” for $ 305 US  The bag of rice is extra $ 15 US   Some people like to donate for a bed, or a mattress only. That is appreciated too! No donation is ever too small.

A new bed  $ 85

A new night stand $ 10

A premium quality 10″ Double Mattress $ 120

Comforter  $ 25

Sheets $ 10

Pillows and Pillow Cases $ 10

New Flooring $ 20

Mosquito Net $ 5

Transporting the Goods by Taxi  $ 15

Tips for the Volunteers   $ 5

Renovations  over and above are as follows:

To patch a roof is approx.  $50 – 100 for materials

New door  $30

New window screen $20

Carpenter work   $15 – 20

New lock  $ 10

A MAT TO MATTRESS for a widow, would be a great CHRISTMAS PROJECT for a FAMILY looking to help someone in need.  We could send you the “before” and “after” photos.

Credit Card Donations are welcome! 


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