Eric and Kamah’s Home

SMILES on their faces and JOY in their hearts!!

We were greeted with a cheerful welcome as our car pulled up to Eric and Kamah’s Home!  They were so happy to see us!!  All 21 children swarmed around us as we entered the yard!!  This is a typical Liberian hello!! Warm and Friendly!!

A big hug from Jestina and Alvin!

A big hug from Jestina and Alvin!

Eric and Kamah and their beautiful children

Eric and Kamah and their beautiful children

The children had a beautiful welcoming program for us. Their songs were amazing! They love to dance too.

The children had a beautiful welcoming program for us. Their songs were amazing! They love to dance too.

Promise and Bernice sitting on their bed. Their rooms were all tidy and clean!

Promise and Bernice sitting on their bed. Their rooms were all tidy and clean!

Children playing with Kamah. Princess on the rt is blind. She is so loved and cared for, it is precious to see!

Children playing with Kamah. Princess on the rt is blind. She is so loved and cared for, it is precious to see!

“Little Dresses for Africa” gifted us with over 35 sundresses! They were all very well made by a women’s group in Saskatchewan. Thank you!!

“Little Dresses for Africa” gifted us with over 35 sundresses! They were all very well made by a women’s group in Saskatchewan. Thank you!!

Rachel Siemens taught the kids several new card games. We brought Burger King Crowns and taught them “How God sees them as a Prince or a Princess” They were a big hit! So was Rachel!!

Rachel Siemens taught the kids several new card games. We brought Burger King Crowns and taught them “How God sees them as a Prince or a Princess” They were a big hit! So was Rachel!!

Rachel came with hundreds of toothbrushes and tooth paste for everyone! She taught them all how to properly brush their teeth. So fun!!

Rachel came with hundreds of toothbrushes and tooth paste for everyone! She taught them all how to properly brush their teeth. So fun!!

The children had fun doing their artwork. We brought new pencil crayons. Some wanted to send a sample of their drawings to their sponsors.

The children had fun doing their artwork. We brought new pencil crayons. Some wanted to send a sample of their drawings to their sponsors.

Playing soccer is their favorite sport! We make sure we pack a few soccer balls.

Playing soccer is their favorite sport! We make sure we pack a few soccer balls.

The children had fun doing their artwork. We brought new pencil crayons. Some wanted to send a sample of their drawings to their sponsors.

The children had fun doing their artwork. We brought new pencil crayons. Some wanted to send a sample of their drawings to their sponsors.

Eric and Kamah have a shop attached to their home where they sell all kinds of provision to their community. This is a means for them to help with the needs of their home.

Eric and Kamah have a shop attached to their home where they sell all kinds of provision to their community. This is a means for them to help with the needs of their home.

Kamah inside the shop. This is a nice big space.

Kamah inside the shop. This is a nice big space.

Eric and Kamah show us a beautiful crop of potato greens and other leafy vegetables. We are always promoting nutrition through our Organic Agriculture. As our trainers say ” Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants, Healthy People”

Eric and Kamah show us a beautiful crop of potato greens and other leafy vegetables. We are always promoting nutrition through our Organic Agriculture. As our trainers say ” Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants, Healthy People”

We had such a good time with Eric and Kamah and their precious children. I can’t wait to show you Ma Esther’s Home and Otis Dyega’s Home next! It was so wonderful to see Dapae and Rita and Andrew Wallace from Maryland. Hopefully one day we will brave the LONG 2 day road trip to see them and their children.

Thank you to all Eric and Kamah’s sponsors and others who give to Provision of Hope to provide for the needs of these dear children. What a blessing you are to their home. To know Eric and Kamah is to know a couple who is deeply grateful!

They are devoted to God and to raising these children to personally know Jesus Christ and how much He loves them.


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