Happy New Year

Happy New Year to All Our Friends Across the Globe!!

David & Karen Barkman send greetings!!

As we look back and reflect on 2020 and all the challenges we all faced with the pandemic, we continue to raise a hallelujah to THE GOODNESS OF OUR GOD and that His Peace lives on in our hearts no matter what we may be walking through.

We want to send a big shout out to ALL OUR DONORS who give so faithfully to make our work possible in serving the poor of Liberia.

Thank you from our staff, our children,  our widows and the many others who have Hope today, because of you!!

We pray a blessing on you and your families, on your finances, on your health and most of all on your personal journey with God.


This is our song for you and your family!  The Blessing!

This is God’s promise to you…..Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. Prov. 19:17



It is your donations that make all this possible!! When we put all the funds together we make things happen!

Click here to donate  


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