Rebecca and Blessing had the shock of their lives when they came home from school to find that their mother died!
They lived with their mother in the Buduburam Refugee Camp. There was no explanation for the sudden death of their precious mother. Just that morning she helped the girls go off to school. No one thought this would be the last time they would see their mama alive. Both girls were struck with panic!
Thank God their uncle Benjamin Zeagben came from Monrovia, to be with the girls. He managed to gather some money, and borrow the balance in order to fly his sister’s body back home for burial last Saturday. The girls came home with him. What an honorable act of kindness! It will not be an easy task to pay back all the money borrowed. We are trusting God to intervene. The girls are hoping to finish their grades in Monrovia. Rebecca is in Gr. 11 and her sister Blessing is in Gr. 10.
I have been communicating with Benjamin and his wife Angie saying I would do a blog post on their behalf and hope to raise funds for the girls to finish school. Benjamin and Angie raise other children who have lost their parents. Now they will have a total of 13 children in their home. This is a big commitment for them. Things are hard in Liberia right now. The economy is not doing well at all! Jobs are so scarce and the cost of food and supplies keeps increasing almost daily. So many people are calling out for help.
Blessing is 17 in Gr. 10 and Rebecca is 19 in Gr. 11. They are hoping to finish their school year in Monrovia.
Benjamin and Angie were married in Ghana while Benjamin was attending school there. They came back to Liberia in 2011. Benjamin is a university professor and was Malcolm Harris our Country Director’s Business Statistics Instructor at St. Clements University! He says he knows Malcolm well.
We certainly believe in educating our girls!
Uncle Benjamin Zeagben flew to Ghana from Monrovia to be with his two nieces and to bring the body of his sister back home. What an honorable act of kindness.
This is a family photo of Benjamin and Angie with their children. 2 of the children were not in this photo. The children’s ages range from 10 yrs to 20 yrs. They are funding them all to school on their own.
Blessing and Rebecca went to visit their Grandma in Nimba for 2 weeks. It was very important to Grandma to have the girls stay with her for a time.My heart goes out to these dear girls. It was Linda Jarbah at the Buduburam Refugee Camp who first told me about the girls. She said they can’t stop crying. One girl was just rocking back and forth in pain! Linda could hardly bare to see these girls in such deep grief. It was then that I told Linda that Provision of Hope will definitely help with something. That is when she introduced us to Benjamin and later his wife Angie.
Right now Benjamin does not have a job due to covid. They have a small business they run and an unfinished shop on their yard that they hope to fill with cement and rice to sell in the future.
Benjamin and Angie are people who are continually reaching out to others in their community. They carry the same vision as we do.
If anyone would like to donate for the girls schooling we would be most grateful! They also need clothes and school supplies.
It’s your giving that changes lives and makes a difference for others!!
We appreciate all our friends for your continued support.
God bless you!!
Karen Barkman