Empowering Single Mothers

Fatu and her children at the place she sews.

We always have a heart for the children of single mothers.  Often we will provide emergency food, medical treatment, rent or school fees. Rather than providing continual hand outs, we like to empower them to help themselves.

This week we were able to provide a brand new sewing machine for Fatu Getty!!  Fatu was left with 3 children when her husband left her for another woman.  Life for Fatu and the children has been very challenging.  She was so sick with cancer! Suffering so much pain! Praise God Fatu was miraculously healed!

Fatu finished a sewing school and now with her new machine she will be able to sew clothes and sell them.

Fatu is shouting praises to God for this beautiful gift! She could not believe her eyes!!

Fatu is shouting praises to God for this beautiful gift! She could not believe her eyes!!

Hannah Gaye is another struggling Single Mother. Provision of Hope brought her a food package.

Hannah Gaye is another struggling Single Mother. Provision of Hope brought her a food package.

New Aska Sewing Machines sell for $ 180 US.

New Aska Sewing Machines sell for $ 180 US.

Fatu is a good tailor. She is so grateful for her new machine!

Fatu is a good tailor. She is so grateful for her new machine!

Hannah is sitting on her new King size mattress amid all the new dresses Daniel Keamue bought for her. We also paid for a year of rent. Next we will empower her with a small business so that she can provide for her children.

Hannah is sitting on her new King size mattress amid all the new dresses Daniel Keamue bought for her. We also paid for a year of rent. Next we will empower her with a small business so that she can provide for her children.

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