Thank God we were able to buy canes for the blind!! Can you imagine being blind without a white cane to guide you? Like their leader Joseph Sackie said ” If you have the cane you can move independently”
Thank you Daniel Coleman and Mercy Team for reaching out to the blind community. These are the ones you will find begging along the streets in down town Monrovia. Every day they are out there trying to find someone to help them with food. Often their children will lead them. It is so pitiful to see this. Have a look at some of the work we do to help. Relief for the Blind and Handicapped
I wish we could do more for the blind and handicapped. We only bought 6 white canes and small food packages for these ones. There are so many more needing help! Like Mother Teresa once said ” We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”
Daniel hands a food package to one of the blind ladies who received a white cane!
White canes provide safety. They help the blind find obstacles in their path and get around them safely.
The smile on their faces is saying a very big thank you!!
Every person was so grateful for their white cane and food.
Joseph Sackie ( yellow shirt) is the person in charge of the blind community. He knows them by name.
“I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame.” Job 29:15