Many of our Single Mothers are crying out to us for help at the Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana.
The UNHCR posted a notice that the camp is closing at the end of June. This leaves many in a panic. Those who are registered with UNHCR are getting their way paid back to Liberia, but many on our single mother’s program are not registered and have no means whatsoever to get out of the camp. “PLEASE, PLEASE HELP US HOME!!!”
These are among the next ones on our line up of people waiting to go home. Another bus is leaving at the end of this month. I hope we can transport more home. It costs $250.00 per person to go home on the bus. Once they get home, many of them have no place to go. We can rent rooms for $360.00 per year. We are doing all we possibly can to help these desperate, homeless people!
Zipporah, like everyone else, fled from Liberia during the civil war. Liberia is at peace now, so they are asking that all refugees return home. Even though things are still very poor in Liberia, it is better than the poverty in this refugee camp. Click here to see more on the REFUGEE CAMP
We have already helped many people return, and I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to those of you who have already been helping with this EXODUS OF HOPE!! So far we have mostly been helping those who have relatives and friends to go back to. Now we are starting to help those, who have nowhere to go, once they reach Liberia. These are the utterly desperate. They are homeless and poor.
This CRISIS reminds me of Ps. 5:12 in THE MESSAGE
Into the hovels of the poor,
Into the dark streets where the homeless groan, God speaks:
“I’ve had enough; I’m on my way
To heal the ache in the heart of the wretched.”
God richly bless you!!
Karen Barkman