Our Parents and Children are all wishing you a “VERY BLESSED NEW YEAR. WE ARE THANKING GOD FOR YOU AND ASKING HIM TO RETURN A BLESSING TO YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE GIVEN TO US!!” Thank you to the “many” who donated towards our Christmas fund this year. You made it possible to meet so many needs in ALL our project areas. I am overwhelmed by your kindness. Thank you so much!
Our Hope Home children all got new clothes. We bought used clothing by the bags for each of our 4 homes. Our widows had extra portions of rice, oil and soap. Our students can keep going to school. More small businesses are helping whole families to stand on their own. Agricultural projects are moving forward in organic gardening, poultry, goat and pig farming. We brought several more refugees home. We bought mattresses and helped others to get medical help or food. This is all because there are people here in North America who go beyond their own needs to help others. And….God says He “will” reward you … ” Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.” Proverbs 19:17
Notice all the happy smiles on our Christmas photos!! One thing I always notice in the children after they have lived in our homes for some time is that … Their EYES COME ALIVE!!

What a blessing to see smiles on the faces of these children and “know” that each one is cared for and loved. Thank you for making this possible!!