Empowering Women leads to Success!

Provision of Hope continues to empower women! We have 3 women in Tailoring School. Two have already received their new sewing machines!

Felecia Dyega just finished her tailoring school.  We empowered her with business money to start her own small business making clothes and hand bags to sell at a local shop. Felecia attended nursing school in Buchanan and hopes to transfer to Mother Pattern College of Health Sciences. This small business will help her with food and transport to school.

Tenneh David is a single mother and a young widow with three children. She is in her second semester of tailoring school.  Daniel Keamue just bought her a new Singer sewing machine! This machine means she can make clothes to sell and have a means to provide for her children’s needs. This will change her world!

Benetta Dyega ( Ottis’ wife) just started tailoring school. She is requesting a sewing machine in order to sew clothes for the children and sew clothes to sell.  We can buy Singer Sewing Machines for $ 180 US plus oil at $ 5 US per bottle.  $ 200 US buys a lot of material and thread.

Amelia Benkeh just received a freezer so she can sell cold bottled water and soda pops.  She’s a single mother and this will really help her provide for her children.

Empowerment is the way to go! This builds their confidence and far surpasses hand outs.

Felecia Dyega holds her new machine! She is so eager to start her new business as a tailor.

Felecia Dyega holds her new machine! She is so eager to start her new business as a tailor.

Felecia just got her certificate from the tailoring school!

Felecia just got her certificate from the tailoring school!

Felecia already selected her materials to start sewing.

Felecia already selected her materials to start sewing.

Felecia makes beautiful dresses and hand bags!

Felecia makes beautiful dresses and hand bags!

Daniel Keamue purchased a new Singer Sewing Machine for Tenneh. She is overjoyed!!

Daniel Keamue purchased a new Singer Sewing Machine for Tenneh. She is overjoyed!!

Tenneh works hard to provide for her 3 boys. This new machine will really help her!

Tenneh works hard to provide for her 3 boys. This new machine will really help her!

Amelia is so excited for her new freezer. We gave her start up money to buy cold water and soda pops to sell. She is so happy!!

Amelia is so excited for her new freezer. We gave her start up money to buy cold water and soda pops to sell. She is so happy!!

We keep empowering women who show ambition and have the ability to learn a skill. What a joy to see them succeed and reach their goals!

 Here’s a BIG THANK YOU to all our donors who give to help us continue this work in Liberia! Without you this would not be possible.

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