Organic Agriculture is Expanding across Liberia!

Provision of Hope keeps right on training farming groups how to Grow Health in the rural communities of Liberia.  We have expanded now to 9 groups!

Our Organic Agriculture Director John Kucuyoiyoigee is the overseer to our 9 different groups.  Each of the farming managers report to him on their progress.  We go out to the different counties to do a regular assessment and see how each group is progressing.  If they have challenges we are there to work together to resolve these as best we can.  Thrive for Good is the organization that has provided the training for each of our Organic Trainers.

We have recently added two more trainers to join our team.  Patrick Goh and Preston Gonmiah are both living in Ganta, Nimba County.  They first took the Grow Health Organic Workshop at the Hope Academy School, along with students and others from the community.  This is a school run by Hope for the Nations.  This coming school year they are including this training in their school curriculum.  Preston Gonmiah is their Agriculture Teacher.  Patrick is also a teacher at this school.  Since taking the Thrive training, they have been involved with 2 other farming groups in Nimba County.  Recently, they conducted a workshop in Tudin Town with 21 farmers.  Our National Director, John Kucuyoiyoigee went with them for their first workshop.  He has since visited Tudin Town to assess their progress.

We love seeing the expansion of this program!    We now have 6 groups in Bomi County and 3 groups in Nimba County, including our partnership with the Hope Academy School. See photos of these 9 groups below.  Our plan is to continue to grow as we have more trainers taking the Thrive Institute on line.  We have lined up two more farm managers from Bomi County to start their training next week.  This is how we plan to grow by having capable farmers take the Thrive training.  Next we plan to start in Lofa County where John Kucuyoiyoigee has his own NGO called Agriculture Conduit for Transformations.  We have invitations from more schools to take the training and include this curriculum in their schools.  We will go to schools that have garden land available for their students.  Click here to see more on what we are doing in Liberia!   Agriculture Blogs

Kekiaber Farmers get their seeds and tools in Nimba County.                                                                   Farmers get their seeds and tools in Nimba County.
Patrick Goh is teaching the Tudin Town Farmers. There were 21 attending.                                                                   Patrick Goh is teaching the Tudin Town Farmers. There were 21 attending.
John Kucuyoiyoigee went with Patrick and Preston. Here he is teaching from the field. John Kucuyoiyoigee went with Patrick and Preston. Here he is teaching from the field.
Preston is instructing in his first workshop in Tudin Town. He is the Agriculture Teacher at Hope Academy in Ganta.                                                              Preston is instructing in his first workshop in Tudin Town. He is the Agriculture Teacher at Hope Academy in Ganta.
Preston and Patrick are sampling their first Cabbage Harvest at the school.                                                              Preston and Patrick are sampling their first Cabbage Harvest at the school.
The students at Hope Academy all worked very hard taking care of the cabbage seedlings, transplanting them and watering them daily.                                                                The students at Hope Academy all worked very hard taking care of the cabbage seedlings, transplanting them and watering them daily.
Preston is pleased with the tomato crop at Hope Academy school. They look promising!                                                           Preston is pleased with the tomato crop at Hope Academy school. They look promising!
Mr. Zarwu is farming with God's Favor Group in Dodee Village, Bomi County. He says that they burned coal for over 20 years and did not have any idea about gardening. He says he is so grateful to God for this knowledge and the skills provided for them. This is a way of income for him and his family.                                                              Mr. Zarwu is farming with God’s Favor Group in Dodee Village, Bomi County. He says that they burned coal for over 20 years and did not have any idea about gardening. He says he is so grateful to God for this knowledge and the skills provided for them. This is a way of income for him and his family.
In May 2023 we did a 4 day workshop with the Managbokai Farmers in Bomi County. 12 Farmers participated.                                                                In May 2023 we did a 4 day workshop with the Managbokai Farmers in Bomi County. 12 Farmers participated.
One of the Managbokia Women helping to prepare the beds for planting.                                                             One of the Managbokia Women helping to prepare the beds for planting.
The Sayjolo Farmers are getting a hands on training in the field. Beds are prepared for planting. Each double dug bed is carefully measured. 5 feet by 20 feet.                                                            The Sayjolo Farmers are getting a hands on training in the field. Beds are prepared for planting. Each double dug bed is carefully measured. 5 feet by 20 feet.
This Alfred Seth who is the Chair Person for the Domafan Farming Group. Alfred manages the POH farm where they have over 50 double dug garden beds and over 200 single beds on their farm. He always serves as an example in his group as a leader. He motivates his members and other farmers in organic farming since he has believed this method of farming. He is next to take the Thrive Institute on line.                                                            This Alfred Seth who is the Chair Person for the Domafan Farming Group. Alfred manages the POH farm where they have over 50 double dug garden beds and over 200 single beds on their farm. He always serves as an example in his group as a leader. He motivates his members and other farmers in organic farming since he has believed this method of farming. He is next to take the Thrive Institute on line.
Mr. Harris is with the Sadayah Farming group in Bomi County. He is a certified teacher but curently does not have a teaching job. He is so grateful to be planting life gardens! This is how he provides for his family.                                                            Mr. Harris is with the Sadayah Farming group in Bomi County. He is a certified teacher but curently does not have a teaching job. He is so grateful to be planting life gardens! This is how he provides for his family.

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