Children Needing School Fees

Provision of Hope has just registered close to 100 children to school in Liberia!

It always warms my heart when I see the smiles on the faces of our students in their new uniforms, new shoes, new book bags while holding their copy books and pens.  There is such an excitement in the air and so much enthusiasm to start their new grades and meet their teachers!!  It is a real privilege for these children to go to school and they know it.  There are no free schools in Liberia! Each school requires the students to pay a registration fee along with tuition.  They also pay for all their supplies.  So many cannot afford to send their children to school.

Enoch has been crying every day as he watches his friends go to school.  His mother is a single mom. She struggles to put food on their table.  There simply are no fees for school.  Yesterday they came to the office desperate for help.

Enoch is one of many! This is a time when I ask God for wisdom on what to do and how many more we are able to register.  The fees for Enoch entering school will be $ 150 US.  He will also need a new uniform $30, new black shoes $ 20 US,  a book bag $ 20 US, copy books and pens $ 10.  Enoch is 10 yrs old. He has never attended school before.  We will try to find a sharp older student in his community to tutor him.

Pastor Malcolm also came asking to register children who are too poor to go to school. He has 10 he is hoping to register.  Provision of Hope has committed to paying for 3 of these orphan children.  See their photos below.

Bernice Williams, who many of you know, has taken in Mather. She too is hoping to go to school. Her school fees for the whole year is $ 200 US plus her supplies.  Will she get to school?

This year we are looking into empowerment for parents who are skilled at business.  With empowerment they can earn money to pay for their children to go to school.  Empowerment Costs between $ 300 – $ 400 US depending on what business they plan to do.

Enoch and his mother, the day they came to our office asking for school fees. Mother Siah is a single mother. Enoch and his mother, the day they came to our office asking for school fees. Mother Siah is a single mother.
George is 8 yrs old. He could start Gr. 2. He is an orphan child. George is 8 yrs old. He could start Gr. 2. He is an orphan child.
Shirley is 10 yrs old and would be in Gr. 3 this year. Miatta is 6 yrs old and would start Gr. 1. Both are orphan children that Pastor Malcolm recommended. Shirley is 10 yrs old and would be in Gr. 3 this year. Miatta is 6 yrs old and would start Gr. 1. Both are orphan children that Pastor Malcolm recommended.
Mather is 14 yrs old. She could attend Gr. 7 if she had the fees. Her caregiver died so she came to Bernice's home. Mather is 14 yrs old. She could attend Gr. 7 if she had the fees. Her caregiver died so she came to Bernice’s home.

We will do all we can to help these children to school this year. When we put all the donations together it is surprising what we can do.  $ 20 buys a pair of black shoes!!!

 Here’s a BIG THANK YOU to all our donors who give to help us continue this work in Liberia! Without you this would not be possible.

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