“We had such a good time visiting the Dyega Home!”
It’s always one of our most exciting highlights to visit our Hope Homes and see how well everyone is doing! This is when we know what caring parents we have in our homes. Looking into the eyes of smiling children and seeing them healthy and happy speaks for itself! We had warm welcomes from everyone!
Otis and Benetta go over the top when they hear we are coming! Look at all our fancy clothes that Benetta sewed! I wish you could have all been at the program they had for us! Songs, dancing, Bible verses and speeches filled with gratitude for the blessing that Provision of Hope is for them. They always mention their sponsors! Of course we had so much delicious food! It was one amazing day! I will have another blog post showing the visits to our other homes. This happened to be our first one.
The kids are always so excited to see us! Loads of hugs all around!
Look at the flowers they brought for us! They came to meet us singing welcome songs!! My heart just melted! They led us inside where they had a big program for us! More beautiful songs, verses and speeches of gratitude!
Mae brought balloons for the kids! Everywhere Mae went kids would follow her! She was so much fun!!
Lollipops are always a big hit!
Otis & Benetta are amazing parents. They love and care for the children so well. Otis is pointing up giving God the Praise for it all!
Otis is still raising pigs! All this helps support the home. He still has his pharmacy close to their house. Benetta has her tailoring business. Provision of Hope gives them business loans. They have done well over the years to pay them off on time.
Karen Gbah and Nelson Dyega both got Academic Excellence Awards for achieving the highest marks in their grades! Congratulations!!
We are standing with Our Parents Otis & Benetta along with Roger and Ruth who live close by. They are a big help in this home too. They often have worship and prayer times together.
Look at our dresses!! Benetta is now a seamstress. She took tailoring school and has a sewing machine! Wow what beautiful work!!
We love bringing books, pencil crayons and games for the kids. They love Bingo!
We stopped by Benetta’s shop where she sews beautiful clothes.
We brought so many gorgeous hand made sundresses from ” Little Dresses for Africa” This is a women’s sewing group from Saskatchewan.
I brought a little something special for my name sake.
We are so grateful for the sponsors of this home! God bless you!
Here’s a BIG THANK YOU to all our donors who give to help us continue this work in Liberia! Without you this would not be possible.