Students in Liberia are Heading Back to School!

Schools in Liberia have just opened and so far we have registered  141 children and youth to school!  This year we have 129 students in K-12 with 12 in university and college.

Each student K-12 needs a uniform $ 15, shoes $ 15, book bag $ 15 and copy books $ 5.   Text books are a great benefit too.   We are still trying to buy all the necessary school supplies.  Our education costs in 2015 to date are over $ 56,000.  We believe education is essential if we are going to end poverty and change the future of the Liberian children.  We can see that education is  making a difference for our children and that is why we are so passionate to see them continue in school.   It’s great to see them read and write. We hope to  hire tutors for all our Hope Homes again this year.  The cost of a tutor is $ 50 per month.  Study classes after school is a huge help. The children we fund to school have all come from extreme conditions.  What a joy to see them excel.  Here are just a few photos of the many we are helping to school.  Every child has a story!  Every child is “so” precious!

Bendu 15
Bendu Kollinson is ready to start Gr. 6.                      Provision of Hope has been funding her school since Kindergarten.  Bendu lives with her Grandma.  When she was only 5 yrs. old they lost everything in a fire!  They came to us crying, desperate for help.  Without our assistance there is  no way Bendu would be in school today.
Gifty Wah 5
Gifty Wah has been on our School Program since she came back to Liberia, from the refugee camp in Ghana.  We helped her mother and Gifty resettle after fleeing Liberia during the war.  Gifty has just been promoted to Gr. 5.   She is so excited to go back to school!
James Kollie 2
James Kollie is in Gr. 12. He too will need funds to finish school. This year he is looking forward to graduating.    James  lives in our Discipleship Training Center. He is always ready to help with our widows and our “Mat to Mattress” Program.
Jeremiah Gaye 20
Jeremiah Gaye is in Gr. 12. He lives in our Discipleship Training Center. He will be graduating after this year. Jeremiah is a great soccer player and a sharp student. I hope he can go further after high school.  Jeremiah comes from extreme poverty.
Daniel Coleman University
Daniel Coleman is a senior in university studying Criminal Justice. This is his last semester before graduation.     Provision of Hope has paid for his tuition. He still needs $ 445 for  his school materials.   Daniel is one of our Team Leaders in charge of our widows and our “Mat to Mattress Program”
Maxwell Browne
Maxwell Browne came from the refugee camp in Ghana. When we first met him he was only 10 and not in school. He would go out trying to find food. His mother was much too poor to put him to school. This is another family we helped home from the refugee camp. Today Maxwell is in Gr. 12. He does exceptionally well in school.

Thank you to all those who donated at our 9th “Walk a Mile in My Shoes” event in Steinbach, Manitoba.   We will have a second “Walk a Mile in My Shoes” in Kelowna on Sunday September 27th.  This is our 5th one in Kelowna.

We have so many success stories!  Click here to read about  Jallah Tutu who just graduated becoming a registered nurse!  What a blessing to see what God is doing in the lives of so many who were once so hopeless!


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