Provision of Hope is seeing so much progress in the rural farming communities of Bomi County. Presently we have 4 groups with more wanting the training to GROW HEALTH
Our Organic Trainers hold a 4-day workshop with each group. These are long 8 hr. days. We provide seeds and tools along with gloves and boots for the farmers. John Kucuyoiyoigee, Kelvin Taweh and Daniel Coleman do a follow up check on each group’s progress. We are now in Dodee Village with God’s Favor Farmers, in Burphy Village with the Burphy Village Association Group and in Jawajeh Village with the Domafan and Sadayah groups. Each group has their own managers and cooperative structure. This makes it very easy for us to set up training. These farmers are eager to learn and passionate to carry out the training that Thrive provides for us. Have a peak at the bumper crop of cucumbers that God’s Favor Group grew when we first gave them seeds. They actually came back with money for Provision of Hope! Imagine that! Click here to see this: Organic Farming Grows Health
Thrive provides a curriculum called Growing Health with 20 Lessons in each booklet. Each farmer attending the workshop gets a copy. This training covers topics like Soil Preparation, Feeding the soil, How to grow nutrition, Foods that prevent disease, The value of moringa, Plants that work as medicine, Crop rotation, How to generate income through farming etc.
We are so pleased at each group’s progress!
Daniel observes the hundreds of cabbage plants on the beds in Dodee Village.
Cabbage is started on a nursery then the seedlings are transplanted to the field on double dug beds.
Farmers are ready to learn a new method of farming.
Kelvin demonstrates how to double dig beds. Everyone gets a turn to do this. These are farmers used to hard work!
Organic Matter is carried to the dug beds to prepare them for planting.
John educates the farmers on the value of organic Sulfa 80 WDG as an agent to fight red spider mites, control fungi and mildew.
Kelvin is giving out boots to God’s Favor Group.
Bitterball crop is looking good!
Every few weeks John is back inspecting the crops. The farmers call him if they have questions or are facing any kind of challenges.
Our women are hard working gardeners too.
Toney is the Project Manager of All God’s Favor Farming Group. They planted a huge crop of cabbages on their double dug beds.
Elijah the Project Manager of Burphy Village Farmers shows Daniel their Bitterball crop.
John Kucu is on the field instructing and demonstrating how to properly fix the beds.
Each bed is carefully measured. 5 feet by 20 feet.
This is a finished bed ready to plant seedlings from the nursery.
Farmers are studying the Grow Health lessons in one of the workshops in Dodee Village.
Each group is always happy for their supplies.
Farmers of Jawajeh Village are thrilled to receive seeds,rakes, shovels, boots, measuring tape etc.
Pepper Seedlings on Nursery Bed are ready for transplanting.
Sadayah Farmers are ready to plant their cabbage seedlings.