Thank you to EVERYONE for your generous giving!

My heart is full of gratitude for the many who give so faithfully to our work in Liberia!

I pray a bountiful blessing back on you and your families in 2019!

All the children in our Homes got new clothes at Christmas.  They were thrilled.  They had special food to eat which made this day extra special.

Ma Esther is giving David his Christmas Gift! All her children got wrapped presents.







It was a special Christmas for Ma Esther having her son Emmanuel and his family home. She had her whole family together for the first time in years!








Eric and Kamah’s Children were so excited to open their gifts on Christmas Day!







Kamah was up very early Christmas morning to prepare all this delicious food!









Our widows got extra rice for Christmas. We could add extra oil, onions and soap.


Students like Ruth would not have the funds to go to school without being sponsored. We are thrilled that we were able to register over 125 children to school again this year!








Your giving made it possible for this Single Mother to get a small business selling fish. Now she can put food on her table for her children, and buy clothes for them to wear.










This field is ready for seeds and seedlings which we will be purchasing. Often farmers have land but they lack seeds and the tools to work the soil. Provision of Hope provides seeds and tools for passionate hardworking farmers.








We are looking forward to expanding our work in 2019 as God continues to Provide!

Here is a list of the various projects we are involved in.  You can see more if you go to our homepage and click under  OUR PROJECTS

Or click on the topic that interests you most.








It’s your giving that makes our work possible … Thank you so much!

Karen Barkman 


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